Supporting your Families

How to introduce MuchLoved to the families you work with and how we can help them

We know that you’re the experts when it comes to supporting your families during some of the most difficult moments in their lives. Introducing MuchLoved to them, when they may never have heard of us, can often prompt some questions from your clients; so we've put together some key points that we often get asked by families, to try and answer them.

We’ve also highlighted the benefits that the service can offer your families, as a long term bereavement support tool. Talking to them about these benefits is the best way to explain our service, and show them how our charity can be of help to them in the future.

Top tips:

1. Talk about MuchLoved as part of the discussion of funeral arrangements

From speaking to our funeral partners, we believe the most appropriate time to talk about using MuchLoved to display the funeral notice and collect funeral donations is straight after the donations question, when you ask which charity or charities they would like to collect donations for.

2. What to ask them

We recommend asking the following two questions:

  • Is the client happy for you to add a tribute page to communicate funeral details and accept donations  [Yes/No]
  • Would the client want to become the tribute owner to manage the page  [Yes/No]

We have also found that even if your family does not want to collect any donations, they may still be interested in having a tribute page to help share memories and stories with loved ones, and give those who can’t attend the funeral an opportunity to contribute.

3. Offer to show them their tribute page straightaway

Actually seeing their initial tribute page is often the best way for your families to understand all that it offers and how it might help them. Assuming your client is happy, check you have their email address and then set up their page as soon as possible, sending them their login link. If they are unsure, it is worth mentioning that the page can instantly be removed by them (or you) if they decide not to keep it, and reassuring them that there is no cost to them at any time.

4. Privacy is protected

Some families can worry about having a public website or dislike using social media. Privacy Control is a fundamental part of MuchLoved, so please reassure your client that they can always control who can access their tribute site and who can post. It can be made entirely private if they wish, so anyone viewing the tribute page would be by invitation only.

5. Updates and changes

Your family may worry that if they make a mistake or want to change their page it’s a difficult or time-consuming process. They don’t need to. A fundamental part of our service is that the tribute owner is always in control; they can edit or even close down the tribute if they choose to.

You can also access the tributes that you create, and can assist your families should they need help, so you can make sure the page always displays exactly as you or the family wants. And as always we’re here to help if ever needed.

If you would like a reminder of how to make any changes or updates to a tribute page watch our video: A look at the administrative controls

6. The leading in-memory platform

We recommend that you emphasise that MuchLoved is an established registered social enterprise and that you have partnered with us to help provide your families with the best possible bereavement after-care. As a result of this, they can continue to use their tribute page for free for as long as they want both before and after the funeral.

What a MuchLoved page offers your families

Remember and celebrate their loved ones: Our special, bespoke memorial website gives them a secure, safe space where they can share memories, thoughts, stories and photos of their loved ones with family and friends

Connected: Family and friends can not only view the page but also add their own memories and photos, videos and even music, wherever they are in the world, to remember the deceased.

Free for life: Our website is free for life. We will never ask anyone to pay for their tribute page, and our enduring pages will stay open forever, or until they choose to close it themselves. 

Fundraise for good causes: Donations for any charitable organisation can be collected through a tribute page, and family and friends can add fundraising events if they want to take on a challenge in honour of their loved one to raise funds, like a sponsored walk or a run.

Unique: Pages can be totally customised, with a design that reflects the personality and interests of their loved one, to make it as unique as they were.

Practical benefits

Our pages also have great benefits for the practical aspects of the funeral, helping make a difficult task that much easier:

Detailed instructions: The page can include funeral notice information to share with family and friends, including locations with Google Maps, and any detailed instructions they may have, for example on a specific dress code for guests.

Family only flowers: Guests can quickly and easily make donations in honour of the deceased in lieu of flowers to the family’s chosen causes. This can be a single charity or multiple good causes, and is entirely up to them.

Messages and memories: Each page can also collect messages of condolence and tributes from friends and family who aren’t able to attend the funeral service, so anyone can feel part of the service, even if they can’t be there in person. Guests can also add photos, music and videos, and commemorate the deceased wherever they are in the world.


Whether you are new to MuchLoved, or a seasoned user, there are new enhancements as well as hidden extras you might not be aware of.

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We're joined by John Adams, former NAFD president, funeral director and now host of the podcast 'Death A Changing Industry' to talk about how it can help you connect with families.

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Working with donors, fundraisers and customers going through grief can be daunting, if you don't know what to say or do to help.

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Learn how a digital tribute can be a source of comfort, support and solace for your families, and give them their own space to remember and grieve.

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Training & Support

Partner Resources

Useful resources to help you make the most of our partnership, including our webinars and social media resources

Getting Started

A series of helpful videos with everything you need to know to get started using MuchLoved

Doing more with MuchLoved

Guides on making the most of MuchLoved, from adding funeral locations to checking on charitable donations

Supporting your Families

How to introduce MuchLoved to the families you work with

Meet the Support Team

Meet the members of our dedicated and enthusiastic support team, who are always on hand to help you with any queries

Partnership Plus

Bonus free features and services that we provide for you, automatically included with your partnership package

About MuchLoved

Find out more about us, who we are and how we started

MuchLoved on your website

How to integrate our services into your website


Frequently asked questions and top tips to help you make the most of our service

© MuchLoved Limited 2024, Company Number 14965211.
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