Why Use Social Media?

10 July 2023

Social media helps to not only publicise the services that you offer, but establishes your business, particularly within your community. Often people will ask for business recommendations on local Facebook groups, and if you don’t have a page that people can share you’ll be missing out. Having a page builds trust, and allows potential clients to engage with you before directly contacting you. 

Customers do tend to expect organisations of all sizes to be on social media in some form or another, so a lack of presence might ring alarm bells. Having said that it's better not to have a page than have a totally empty one, or a dormant one that hasn't been updated in a year.

Social media allows you to share how your business works and information about your team, which can be crucial in building trust with potential clients, especially with something as sensitive as funeral arrangements. Allowing potential clients this glimpse into your world can make them more likely to contact you, as they know what to expect and whom they might be speaking with. 

That said, you should regularly update your content; there is nothing more off-putting to a potential client than out of date social channels, and at worst suggests you’re no longer trading. It doesn't need to be too onerous, you don't need to post every day (although you can if you wish!). If you can post perhaps once or twice a month as a minimum as long as you have some recent content this is reassuring to potential clients.

Read on for our top tips on what to post and when, and some examples posts, and visit our social media resources to download images and suggested wording.

Training & Support

Partner Resources

Useful resources to help you make the most of our partnership, including our webinars and social media resources

Getting Started

A series of helpful videos with everything you need to know to get started using MuchLoved

Doing more with MuchLoved

Guides on making the most of MuchLoved, from adding funeral locations to checking on charitable donations

Supporting your Families

How to introduce MuchLoved to the families you work with

Meet the Support Team

Meet the members of our dedicated and enthusiastic support team, who are always on hand to help you with any queries

Partnership Plus

Bonus free features and services that we provide for you, automatically included with your partnership package

About MuchLoved

Find out more about us, who we are and how we started

MuchLoved on your website

How to integrate our services into your website


Frequently asked questions and top tips to help you make the most of our service

© MuchLoved Limited 2024, Company Number 14965211.
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