What should I post?

21 March 2023

Our top tips on what, when and how to post on social media, including some technical tips.

It’s best to mix up the types of posts you put on social media, so your channels retain interest. You should think about what your audience wants to see and learn, rather than what you want to post. People don’t use social media to be sold to, they use it to be social! So you need to connect with people and show them why they should be interested in what you have to offer.

Overall social media posts for businesses tend to fall into 3 areas, and if you can cover more than one area in one post even better.

  1. Motivational posts - how your services help your audience, e.g. a testimonial from a client family
  2. Visibility posts - demonstrating your experience and expertise in your business area, e.g. a post about getting started organising a funeral, share your know-how
  3. Promotional posts - Sharing information about your business, e.g. a post about your team members
  4. MVP posts - a mix of all three types, e.g. how you helped a family solve a problem and achieve a good outcome, with their testimonial as an image. 

You could think about posts that show:

  • The different services you offer your clients, especially unusual ones, such as ashes into glass.
  • Your business team, including photos and small bios
  • An office pet!
  • New developments to your business
  • The history of your business
  • Any partnerships that you offer, including MuchLoved of course!
  • Any support services you offer, for example, if you partner with GriefChat, or if you work with a local florist or caterer
  • Some lighthearted posts about your office, if you’re supporting a local charity or have updated your office etc - show that you’re an integral part of the community
  • New reviews that have been posted, emphasising your trustworthiness
When should I post?

Ideally, you should post when you think your audience is online, so if it’s a business to business audience you would do so during office hours for example.

However, your audience will often be bombarded on their feed during these times, so sometimes going off-peak hours can work too. Our best suggestion is to post at a variety of times for a couple of months, and then have a look at the insights tools on each channel to see the best time to post for your audience. 

Technical tips - how do I post?
  • Always, always include a video or an image with a social media post, you’re far more likely to get people seeing your post in their feed
  • Don’t feel that you have to be on every channel, but do make sure that whichever one you’re on, you do well! 
  • For Facebook and Twitter, you can use the image size 1600 x 900 pixels, this will work on both channels 
  • Instagram needs a square image, ideally 1080 x 1080 pixels. This will also work on Facebook (but will get cropped on Twitter)
  • LinkedIn should also be square, unless you’re sharing a link, which will crop the image down, so you will need to use 1200 x 627 pixels. Unfortunately, one size does not fit all!
  • To create artwork and get access to free stock shots (if you need them) we recommend Canva - it’s an online graphic design programme that’s easy to use and even includes template sizes for the different social channels. Best of all there’s a free version with many of the main tools included 
  • All of the social media channels allow you to post directly to them, and Facebook and Twitter allow you to schedule a post for a later date and time, rather than instant posting. Instagram doesn’t allow this via the app, you’ll need a scheduling tool like Hootsuite or Later for that 
  • Last but not least, if you’re creating artwork to promote our partnership, please include our logo, either original or white version - both of which can be found on our resources page.
Don't forget to tag us!

Last but not least - if you're mentioning MuchLoved, or are sharing something about a tribute page, please don't forget to tag us! Our name is different depending on what platform you're posting to, so please see the list below. Thank you.

Facebook: @MuchLovedHQ

Instagram: @muchloveduk

LinkedIn: MuchLoved

Twitter: @MuchLoved

See our example posts to help you get started.

Training & Support

Partner Resources

Useful resources to help you make the most of our partnership, including our webinars and social media resources

Getting Started

A series of helpful videos with everything you need to know to get started using MuchLoved

Doing more with MuchLoved

Guides on making the most of MuchLoved, from adding funeral locations to checking on charitable donations

Supporting your Families

How to introduce MuchLoved to the families you work with

Meet the Support Team

Meet the members of our dedicated and enthusiastic support team, who are always on hand to help you with any queries

Partnership Plus

Bonus free features and services that we provide for you, automatically included with your partnership package

About MuchLoved

Find out more about us, who we are and how we started

MuchLoved on your website

How to integrate our services into your website


Frequently asked questions and top tips to help you make the most of our service

© MuchLoved Limited 2024, Company Number 14965211.
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