About MuchLoved

Find out more about us, who we are and how we started

Who we are

MuchLoved is the UK’s leading in-memory platform, where you can remember someone special and fundraise in their memory.

Our unique online service enables someone bereaved to make a special personalised tribute page for their loved one, where they can share memories and remember them. They can add stories, photos, music, videos and celebrate their life and memory, as well as fundraise for good causes in their honour.

We also provide bereavement information and support services, and work in partnership with other bereavement organisations and charities to help support those that have been bereaved.

We work with over 2,500 funeral branches as well as run Tribute Fund schemes for over 330 charities. Together we have helped over 1 million people remember their loved ones through a personal online tribute. To date we have raised more than £115 million for over 6,500 UK charities and good causes through the service.

Our story

MuchLoved was founded by our Chief Executive Jonathan Davies after he sadly lost his brother and then his mother in quick succession in the 1990s.

"My brother’s death at the young age of 21 was in particular sudden, unexpected and overwhelming in shock. I was keen to create some sort of online memorial to him, a legacy that could show many of his happy years and make it easy for his school and university friends in particular to view, make contact and to maybe help develop by sending in pictures and thoughts of their own."

Jonathan couldn't find what he was looking for, and this was when MuchLoved was born. Jonathan and two old friends began work on the ideas and technology needed to create the service and registered the domain MuchLoved.com in 2000.

It then took six years of discussions, hard work and development before the platform would be ready, and finally in 2006 MuchLoved was launched and registered as a charity in its own right, aiming to support bereaved people and raise in-memory funds for good causes at the same time.

Supporting anyone bereaved

The principle behind MuchLoved is that we want as many people as possible to be able to benefit from the service, to help them cope with their own grief. We work with funeral directors and charities and social groups large and small, in our mission to achieve this aim.

Rather than working with one large charity or partner, the model that MuchLoved operates is to work with various partner organisations, so charities and funeral partners of all sizes can access the technology we offer. We update our service constantly, and try and innovate to make sure we can give our partners, and the people they support, the best possible service.

The MuchLoved platform is a social enterprise, and will celebrate our 18th year in service 2024. We are a small but ambitious team, and love what we do. Over the last 17 years we have helped to raise over £150 million for other good causes, and we hope to do even more in the years to come.

Our vision, mission and values

Our vision

Our vision is for anyone bereaved to be able to access meaningful bereavement support and remember and celebrate the life of their loved one.

Our mission

Our mission is to support bereaved people, by providing high quality, personal online memorialisation to anyone that needs it, free of charge. We strive to put the person that has died and those remembering them first, and offer a dedicated space for families to celebrate the lives of their loved ones, to connect and gather, share memories, and remember. 

We work alongside other charitable organisations and the funeral industry to promote public awareness of online memorials, and to raise funds for other good causes. We offer free online bereavement support services, and work with expert counsellors to provide bereavement care. 

Our social enterprise status means we work to continually innovate and invest in our service to provide the best possible bereavement care, not only for those that are bereaved but also for the partner organisations that we work with. It also means that we can operate our services sensitively; we offer a variety of partnership options to organisations large and small, and can provide a dedicated online space free of advertising to support families at the most difficult of times. 

Our values

Caring - the people who need our services and our support are at the heart of everything we do, and we work to provide them with the best possible service and care.

Innovative - from the moment our pioneering service was founded we have continued to innovate across everything we do, and we strive to continually improve.

Open - we are transparent about who we are, what we do, and how we do it. We work to build trust and deliver a safe and secure online space for anyone bereaved. 

Collaborative - we believe that we are stronger and can achieve more for the people that need our support when we work together, both as a team and with our partners.

Training & Support

Partner Resources

Useful resources to help you make the most of our partnership, including our webinars and social media resources

Getting Started

A series of helpful videos with everything you need to know to get started using MuchLoved

Doing more with MuchLoved

Guides on making the most of MuchLoved, from adding funeral locations to checking on charitable donations

Supporting your Families

How to introduce MuchLoved to the families you work with

Meet the Support Team

Meet the members of our dedicated and enthusiastic support team, who are always on hand to help you with any queries

Partnership Plus

Bonus free features and services that we provide for you, automatically included with your partnership package

About MuchLoved

Find out more about us, who we are and how we started

MuchLoved on your website

How to integrate our services into your website


Frequently asked questions and top tips to help you make the most of our service

© MuchLoved Limited 2024, Company Number 14965211.
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